Tuesday, August 12, 2008

End of Summer

Well, this is my last night of my summer. I start back to work tomorrow. No more days at the pool with the girls, sleeping late, staying up late, not worrying if I finish my "To Do" list because there is always tomorrow, and last but not least no more reading blogs for an hour at a time....
But, on the bright side....I start at a new school district(the same school district as my daughters). It is a smaller district, so small that most people refer to the superintendent by first name and I know a lot of the staff there already. So, the change should be good! I am excited, a little sad to leave a district where I had developed good relationships with a lot of schools, but ready to see what lies ahead.
Wish me luck waking up to the alarm clock in the morning.........

P.S. I will also be able to check in on Lilly (frequently) when she starts school here, hopefully before Christmas!

1 comment:

The Ham Family said...

Hey! Enjoy your new school year in a new place. The old place will miss you I am sure!