Diane asked me what she needed to change the name of her blog to, and I think my response is - Why change it? I don't think we ever get THERE, the finish line just moves. So although we are home now, there are a 1000 new almost's and we need to get there next.
However, we did make home and all in all it was a very uneventful trip. But that in and of itself made it great, all the flights were on time, Lilly did great, we had a great reception at the airport, everything was good.
Now life starts anew, more children, new dynamics, new personalities - this is great. As I write this post Lilly is playing with her sisters, we have already been to a volleyball game, and so it begins...
I am sure Diane will follow up, and my authoring will come to an end, but I do want tell everyone again how much we appreciate the prayers, support, help and everything else. So far this entire process has far exceeded all expectations I had. God is truly awesome.
Wow! I have closely followed your journey and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment. the picture of the 4 Thurman sisters says it all - Well Done!! and keep your seatbelts on!
We can't wait until Jay is back in California so we can be filled in with more detail. What a blessed Thanksgiving you and your family will enjoy. Much love,
Cheryl and Milo Martin
How sweet to finally see her with her sisters! She looks like she is doing just wonderfully! I'm so glad your trip was good and that she did fine on the long plane ride, that is always such an unknown.
Many blessings as you walk the next part of the journey of weaving her into your family. I look forward to watching how God will continue His work.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh Diane, that third picture of your FOUR daughters!!! Is that not priceless? Lilly looks like she has always been there! Did you see the stair step of their heights?!? AMAZING! She is just beautiful and of course I am biased. Charlie says the K children are the most beautiful in all of Ch*na but he is biased too no doubt!
OK, so I have just clued in—you all are FT farmers??? Charlie's Aunt and Uncle farm a herd of about 75 dairy cattle in NW PA! We go visit every year about this time and the boys love morning chores (at 4 a.m.!) for about the first 3 days. LOL!
P.S. I think Jay may be onto something about your blog title. You could even pull in Philippians 3:14!
We are definitely not there yet, but pressing onward!
Great to see you guys tonight! Looks like Lilly is adjusting beautifully. Seeing her "sissies" taking care of her was so precious. Looking forward to watching her grow up in Bushland. :)
Whoah! how did I become Jake?? I think someone has used Mommy's computer to check email from his grandparents...and then didn't log out! ;)
I love the picture with all the girls together--too cute! Glad your plane ride home was uneventful. I can't wait to read more postings.
Jen Vinyard
Oh, WOW! How exciting that you are home. The picture of the four girls made me cry it is so awesome. I can't wait to meet Lilly soon! Hope you get back into the swing of work again soon! ;-) Gay
So wonderful to see that you made it home. How precious to see Lilly with her sisters!! They are all so beautiful. Tell her we said Hi!!!
With love ,
Jeff and Naomi
Welcome home Lily! We are so glad to see that you all made it back home with no problems. We enjoyed having breakfast in the mornings with your family, and just meeting you all in general. Take care and may God bless the rest of your wonderful journey........these Kunming girls are just SO special!
Steve, Liesl, and Cali Wingert
(the lady who sent you to the pearl market in Guangzhou - for the GOOD shopping!!!!)
Your girls are beautiful! We miss seeing you all but are also glad to be home. Mike is curious if Jay ever won out on the golf clubs!?? Take care. In Christ, The Nageottes
So happy to see that you guys made it home safe & sound. We are Truly Blessed to have such beautiful daughters.
W/ love,
Jimmy & Alisa, and
Kylie & Kassidy
Oh wow, what an amazing picture of your girls! :) So glad you made it home safe and all is going well. Thank you for allowing us to follow along on your trip.
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